Sunday, 7 February 2016

Robin Sharma Quotes

1.) The word duty is often viewed negatively in our culture. Many people don't like the idea of it, feeling that duty would restrict them and hinder them from living in the moment. To me , the word duty represents freedom and happiness. And leadership and authentic success is about doing what's right rather than what's easy..

2.) Once you connect with some kind of higher purpose in your life, there will be a corresponding release of passion and energy. The secret of generating extraordinary levels of passion in your life is to discover your large purpose. Once you find your calling, you get excited. And you begin to stand for something higher than yourself..

3.) Success on the outside means nothing unless you have success within. There is a huge difference between well-being and being well-off. The person with a rich inner life is the richest of all.

4.) Your life is a treasure and you are so much more than you know. The life you live today doesn't have to be the life you lead tomorrow. Make a choice. Take a leap. Rise above your circumstances to your next level of greatness.

5.) The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master. If you have become a negative thinker, this is because you have not cared for your mind and taken the time to train it to focus on the good. Remember, we become what we think about all day long..

6.) The people who get on in life are those who dream big dreams and then take whatever risks are necessary to bring their vision to life. They face their fears directly, get into the game and live their days with courage. They break through their fear doors, no matter how scared they feel. It's better to be a lion for a day than a sheep all your life..

7.) The best antidote for fear is knowledge..

8.) Courage is not the absence of fear but the willingness to walk through your fear in pursuit of a goal that is important to you. You are among the living dead when you live in a safe harbour and cling to the known. You come back to life and your heart starts to beat again when you venture into the unknown and explore the foreign places of your life. The adventure and thrill of living returns. Remember, on the other side of your fear you will discover your fortune..

9.) You truly cannot afford the luxury of even one negative thought. A worrisome thought is like embryo: it starts off small but grows and grows. Soon it takes on a life of its own. Stop feeding what doesn't serve you..

10.) Awareness precedes change. Before you can change something in your life, you must first become aware of it and begin to really pay attention to it. You must build some awareness around it. You will never be able to eliminate a weakness you don't even knew about..

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